It seems that we are having to deal a lot with many evil
spirits that have been unleashed in the world today. We see and recognize the
hand of Satan and his demons in many lives that are open to his leading. The
enemy recognizes the Christ in many of who are believers in Jesus and we are
attacked because of who we love and trust in. Many of our sisters and brothers
have been murdered for their belief and faith, many are still in areas where
there is no freedom of religious expression of their faith.
The Bible gives us many examples of the power and authority
of Christ over demons and evil spirits at a time when it seem to be a common recognition
of those who walked contrary to everyone else. Looking at Mark, Jesus gave
strict warning to evil spirits that possess some people in Mark 3:11-12, “And he straitly charged them that they
should not make him known.”
Even the
evil spirits knew that Jesus was the Son of God, but they refuse to turn from
their destructive behavior; they did not want to let go of those they possessed; as is still today. Now Evil spirits or demons are ruled by Satan and their purpose is to kill,
steal and destroy. To kill your future of hope, to steal your faith and to
destroy any thought of salvation.
Another incident we see in Mark 1:21-26, there was a man in the
Synagogue, the Temple, the House of God, who was possessed with an unclean spirit, he said
to Jesus “let us alone; what have we
to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth?... I know thee who thou are, the Holy
One of God” (v. 24). My question is
“what was this demon doing in the Temple?”
Throughout scripture we see that
Jesus warned evil spirits not to reveal His true identity, because it not their
duty to make known who He was and it was not in God’s plan that His identity be
revealed through them. Jesus wanted to teach people about the kind of Messiah he
really was – one who was far different than their expectations, who did not fit into their mold of the Messiah.
Christ kingdom is a spiritual one that begins with the
overthrow of sin in people’s heart, and not with the over throw of governments,
or political parties, or world issues – these will be dealt with by God. Christ came to deal with the sin that is in
our hearts, after all He tells us that “for
out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications,
thefts, false witness, blasphemies: these are the things which defile a man…:”
(Mat.15:19-20). He sees the truth of
what is deep within us and this is where He starts to deal with our issues of
life. If we can see what He sees, many would be running to Him begging for Him to
clean out their hearts, we would be seeking repentance as we seek for riches, “…for He knows
the secrets of the heart” (Ps.44:21).
I have heard many say “I have a good heart” but truth be
told, “the heart is deceitful above
all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it” (Jer. 17:9). Christ
came to help us to deal with truth and our hearts, along with giving us eternal
life. But if we are not willing to see
our condition as God sees us; “…desperately wicked…” what hope do we have in
obtaining eternal life?
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