As children
of God, we must learn to obey our Heavenly Father, for obedience to the Father
is a beautiful position to be in. There is no fear, no doubt, no contention,
only a willingness and hearty desire to do His will. Since we have been created in His image, God gives
us the freedom to choose whether to obey or not. He wants and desires to use
His children to bring His Word to the nations; “Go ye therefore, and
teach all nations…teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have
commanded you…” (Mt.
By far to obey is better for the consequences
of His favor is beyond comprehension.
But the opposite of this is disobedience, whether one choose to wait
before obeying or flat out refuse to obey, the consequences can be devastating.
As you study the Word, it becomes truly clear that God has empowered His
children with many attributes that help aid us on the path He has chosen. His
word has given us many great and faithful warriors, prophets, women and men as
examples who found the strength to endure much hardship, persecution, even
death. God has provided so much for each of us, we have been covered in the
blood, we have been filled with the Holy Spirit and He has promised never to
leave us nor forsake us and we can go to Him in prayer any time of the day or
night. Now keep these promises in mind as we continue.
There is another facet that is important
for all true believes, and yet we have vaguely looked at it. Could it be that
we attributed it be for ministers or prophets or apostles only? Or maybe that
it never crossed our minds that it was meant to be for us. I can truly say that
this was something that never crossed my mind, not until I started reading
Ezekiel. Nevertheless, it is a call for all believers to be a “Watchman”. This is a responsibility that many will not
take up nor will they want such a duty.
Now, many of us love the Word of God
and I know that we are willing tell anyone that it is the absolutely the truth
from Genesis to Revelation. And I’m sure that there have been some pretty interesting
discussions about God’s Word with those who truly do not understand. This call
is not just for me, but for all believers of Jesus. It is up to the believer to
be the watchmen that God has call us all to be. To tell everyone how much God
loves them, and what Jesus has done for them and that we are getting closer
each day to Jesus’ coming back. As the conditions of this world continue to
deteriorate we need to hang on to our hope and be the watchman God needs.
The definition of a watchman is one who is a guard, a
caretaker, to keep guard and a night watchman. One more definition is: Watchman -- one who looks out or sees from a height, with the view
to warning of impending danger or to give any information, good or bad (Dake's Annotated Ref Bible). Throughout history there has been many unnamed guards that have walked
the high walls watching out for the enemy. Those who have been diligently faithful
to their post. Also, there are those that have blown many trumpets warning
others of impending armies and of coming dangers against them. The watchman was
one that the towns people depended upon, they felt safe as long as he was doing
his job, but if he fell asleep on duty it would be disastrous for all. But the
watchman we are talking about here is one call to proclaim the availability of repentance
and salvation in God.
Ezekiel was a prophet and a priest that
God call to be His watchman and through various visions and acting out the Word
he left the people of Israel an astonishing picture of coming judgment and the
glory that is to come. He was one who chose to obey God, for he served also as
a Jewish “street preacher” for over 20 years in Babylon. His message was for
the Jewish people as well as the surrounding nations. He proclaimed what God
said, that if they would not turn from their wicked ways, from their rebellion,
idolatry, and indifference, the judgment of God would come upon the people and
the land. God will always punish sin, whether we believe it or not. The stain
of sin can never come into the presence of a Holy God; for He hates sin. And
those who dare to mock God today will also face a terrible fate. We must commit
ourselves to obey God whatever, wherever, and whenever He asks.
As God
called Ezekiel He said; “Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the
house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning
from me”
(Eze. 3:17; 33:7). As a
watchman Ezekiel knew that God knows and sees the true condition of the hearts
of man. God knew that the hearts of the people were “impudent and hardhearted”
just as many are today. He knew that they would not listen or obey His words, for
He said; “But the house of Israel will harken unto thee; for they
will not harken unto me; for all the house of Israel are impudent and
hardhearted” (Eze. 3:7).
But God has a strategy to combat their stubbornness: “Behold,
I have made thy face strong against their faces, and thy forehead strong
against their foreheads. As an adamant harder than flint have I made thy
forehead: fear them not, neither be dismayed at their looks, though they be a
rebellious house” (Eze.3:8-9).
God’s Word
is so perfectly clear, as you read it you can see even in your own life that
there is always a tendency to fall from our righteousness. Or maybe we’re not
ready to accept the solution on a particular circumstance we are facing and in
our stubbornness, we continue to seek another way. Sin has a subtle way of
creeping in our thoughts, our heart and our actions. The Word says, “Submit
therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). We are to always be on “Sober,
be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh
about, seeking who he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). As a
watchman your mission is to warn those who were not living in a way that was pleasing
to God. As a watchman we are responsible for blowing the trumpet to a nation, a
people, a neighborhood and even a home. There are some who have lost their zeal
even though they are believers. We must pray, teach, talk, encourage them to
get back to their “first love”. “When I say unto the wicked; O
wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou does not speak to warn the wicked
from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity…” (Eze.
of disobedience to the command of God was that the blood of the wicked would be
required of Ezekiel “…but his
blood will I require at thine hand”. Yet if the wicked
person does not turn from his ways after being warned of the pending danger
then “…he
shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul” (Eze. 33:9) for you have done what God said to do. Yes, there
is a cost for the watchman if he fails to do what God has called him to. Souls
are at stake and we must begin to shout from the mountain top that the “day of
the Lord is coming”. We must remind those who have become laxed in their faith and
tell those that have yet to receive Him that Jesus saves. God in His gracious mercy has delayed in
bringing about His judgment, for “the Lord is not slack
concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to
us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to
repentance” (2
Peter 3:9). Because He “will have all men to be saved, and to come unto
the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim. 2:4).
The Word is
true, and this is what God desires for all His children. And as we who believe
now, it is our time to be that watchman on the wall. We are the voice like John
the Baptist, calling for the un-save to repent, we are the voices of the
Disciples teaching and proclaiming the Gospel of God to a wicked and perverse
generation. Whether we are on the street corners, standing in the pulpit, or
teaching on television or social media or among friends, coworkers and family –
it is time that our voices be heard above all the chaos and confusion. We “must
work the works of him that sent me (us), while it is day the night cometh when
no man can work” (Jn. 9:4).
This is not
a calling of comfort and peace, but one of love for our God and for being
obedient to His command to “love one another”. There will be naysayers, there will be those
who are obstinate, those whose hearts have been hardened, the unmoved, and those
who are inflexible. Even those who are
lukewarm wanting everyone to live and let live as long as they do not bother
their lives, because they say;“…I
am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing: and (they) knowest
not that thou are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” (Rev.3: 17). We must pray for these people, ask God to give
you “holy” boldness to fulfil His command and be that watchman.
Now the
question is, are you willing to be a watchman for God? Are you ready to warn
the save and the un-save of the day of the Lord? Are you willing to endure hardship against
the obstinate and hardhearted? My sisters and brothers we will not walk in this
calling alone, God is with us the Holy Spirit is in us and the Blood of Jesus
coves us. Remember “I can do all things through Christ which
strengtheneth me” (1
Peter 4:13).
Father, thank you for the call to be a watchman to your people. Holy Spirit
empower me to proclaim Jesus and the gift of salvation you freely give. When I
open my mouth Holy Spirit, fill it with thus saith the Lord. Lord, I need to be
strengthen for what is ahead, even though the enemy will come against me, it is
in you that I look to, for you are my Rock, my Fortress, my High tower and a
place of Refuge. And under the shadow of your wings I can find rest from all
tempest . Father, “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor
life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor
things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be
able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 8:38-39). Thank you, Father
for I know that I do not walk alone, for you are always with me, as I answer
your call show me where you want me to start. It is in Jesus name I pray, amen.