It has been said many times that our world in headed
in a dangerous direction that will have severe consequences. Yet, the path to
destruction is widening and is making room for more. Prayers are being sent up,
intercessions are going on, and burdens are being felt by all of God’s
children. Still there seems as though nothing is changing that we can see, but it’s
not so important as to what we see but what we don’t see that is happening in
the Spiritual realm. God hears the prayers, He sees what is happening, and He
knows the hearts of men are evil continually.
The path that you choose is vital to your destination – either eternal
life or eternal destruction.
If the attitude of this world does not begin
to be humbled, then we place ourselves in the path for Gods wrath. You see, God
is Love and yet He is a God of judgment and justice, according to His Word; for“Justice and judgment are the habitation (foundation) of thy
throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face” Ps. 89:14. People have chosen to
substitute the truth of God for the imaginations of their own lust. They have
stifled (choked, suppressed) the truth of God in order to believe anything that
supports their own self-centered life-styles. God will never tolerate sin
because His nature is morally perfect. He cannot ignore or condone willful
the government of God is based upon
justice, judgment, mercy, truth, and righteousness. He knows, sees, and does
what is right without exception. He cannot permit any breaking of His law
without proper punishment, nor can He permit one good act to be without just
and proper reward. Sin is cursed and righteousness rewarded in the minutest of details. His decisions are all oracles, (truth,
forewarnings) and not one of them is ever reversed. Just remember “it’s a fearful,
(terrifying, horrific) thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb. 10:31).
“…Mercy and truth shall go before thy
face” will be the cries that will
announce the coming of the judge. His truth (Word) binds Him to all his deceleration's; and His mercy shall be shown to all those who have fled for
refuge to the hope that is set before them which is Jesus Christ. His mercy is
eternal; “the
mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting…and His righteousness unto
children’s children” (Ps.103:17). Righteousness, justice, love and truth are
the foundation of God’s throne; they are fundamental aspects of the way God
rules. As God’s ambassadors, we should
deal with people likewise. Make sure your actions flow out of these traits,
because any unfair, unloving, dishonest action does not come from God.