Monday, March 23, 2015

Obedient Faith...

Faith is that one virtue that we say we have but when push comes to shove you find that strong faith has suddenly become weaken. Because of many situations our faith weakens and we frantically search for hope, then we have those moments when we try to pass on our strong faith to others and we really aren't that convince about what we are saying; it’s as though we’re trying to convince ourselves. None of this mean we are bad Christians, on the contrary, it only means we must check our faith with God, we must compare it to the Word to see why we have falter in the battle. We must renew our strength and faith in God’s Word.

There is nothing that we can do in or of our own selves, we must look to God who has blessed and anointed His Word which comes alive within our Spirits as we read it and apply it to our lives.  The Word of God is the “Living Word” and it has all the characteristics of God Himself. The Word gives us strength, healing, hope, trust, faith, guidance, instruction, discipline and most of all love.  We have to spend time seeking God, asking Him to direct us, to enlighten our understanding and to take us deep into His Word.  Seeking God requires dedication, commitment and a willingness to spend time with Him. Just as we see family and friends on a daily basis, we MUST dedicate daily quality time with God.

The Bible gives us many, good examples of warriors of faith, who was given a Word from God and they all believed and with unwavering trust and obedience they accomplished the impossible. Their confidence in the faithfulness of God brought about a loving and obedient heart. Take Noah for example, (Gen. 6-9), he lived in a time when sin and iniquity was abounding, but In verse 6:8 it says "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord."  God found in Noah something that the world did not have and Noah found favor in God’s eyes.

Noah was considered perfect in his generation, he was consistent in character, he did not turn from the truth (this in itself is a monumental feat at that time) and he walked with God. Even though the world was so wicked it did not persuade Noah nor influence him to walk according to the flesh; he remained faithful. As you read the sixth chapter of Genesis you will see that God was angry with the people of the world: "And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth" (Gen. 6:12).   Much like today, “…the wickedness of man was great…every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually…” (Gen.6:5).

   You might ask what has this to do with walking by faith.  Well, I see Noah as an ordinary person who loved God, who conducted his life as close to God as possible. Noah was no different from you or me only that: “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” (Gen. 6:8). And he obeyed the Word that came from God, “Thus did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so die he.? (Gen 6:22).

 We who believe have we found grace/favor in the eyes of God? Are we trying to walk with the world and with God? And are we standing strong in our faith in our belief against the evils of this world?  Finally, are we being lights in this dark and evil world or are we turning off the light?

I’m sure the battles were raging all around Noah, he was persecuted, ridiculed and mocked by many. But Noah kept his faith in God, he continued doing what God had instructed him, no matter the amount of persecution.  We are all fighting some kind of battle, and no matter what we face, we must find strengthen in our daily walk with God. We must believe without any doubt or wavering that God is in the midst and that He promised never to leave us or forsake us. We need to have strong faith as we are going through persecution, ridicule and taunts from the enemy, for it is when we are in the midst that our faith should arise and nothing will be impossible.

Be bless…

NJ, Chosen4God